About the Journal

This journal is a high-standard scientific publication that aims to promote academic excellence and assist researchers around the world. The correctness, dependability, and relevance of all published work are guaranteed by means of an outstandingly thorough double-blind peer-review system. The journal Utilizes user-friendly Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform to offer free access to high-quality research worldwide, seeking a reliable platform for sharing high-impact research findings. The journal, by using a readily available, open-access model, offers completely free, worldwide access to outstandingly high-quality research, thus promoting the important dissemination of knowledge along with cross-disciplinary collaboration. The journal uses innovative tools and measures to track the impact of published manuscripts, including enhanced citation and indexing tools, and complete analytics.

Greetings from Galla – The Scientific Journal of KISSR

As Editor-in-Chief, I am delighted to welcome our esteemed readers, authors, and contributors to a distinguished platform dedicated to high-caliber research and meaningful publications. Our mission is to advance scientific understanding while fostering research that addresses key societal challenges, driving positive change, and enriching lives. We firmly believe that research excellence is rooted in integrity and ethical scholarship. Our journal adheres to the highest standards of publication ethics. We prioritize research integrity, ethical responsibility, and stringent academic practices to ensure the credibility and reliability of the work we publish. With the unwavering commitment of our expert editorial board and peer reviewers, we strive to feature only the most impactful research. We warmly invite all researchers from around the world who share our vision to contribute to our journal and make a lasting scholarly impact. We encourage you to engage with the diverse research presented in Galla, collaborate across disciplines, and contribute to addressing the critical issues shaping our world today. Together, let us push the boundaries of knowledge and pave the way for a brighter future.

Prof. Dr. Shwan Rachid
Editor-in-Chief, Galla - The Scientific Journal of KISSR