Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Galla journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and takes all necessary measures to prevent publication malpractice. The ethics and procedures outlined in this statement apply to authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers, and are in accordance with international standards for publishing ethics.

Duties of Authors:

Authors submitting to Galla Journal are expected to follow ethical norms as well as conflict of interest policies, and their duties include;

  • Authors must ensure that their manuscripts are original and do not plagiarize or infringe on any copyright.
  • Proper citation of sources is required for any work or data that is not the author’s own.
  • Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest related to their research or manuscript.
  • Authors should ensure that their research involving human subjects or animals complies with ethical standards and has been approved by the appropriate ethics committee.
  • Authors are responsible for providing accurate data and correcting any errors in their published work if necessary.

Duties of Reviewers:

Reviewers are critical to ensuring the quality of academic research. Their major role is to conduct a comprehensive yet impartial evaluation of submitted manuscripts, and their major roles;

  • Reviewers must evaluate manuscripts objectively and confidentially, providing constructive feedback to help improve the manuscript.
  • Any potential conflicts of interest should be disclosed, and reviewers should recuse themselves if they have a conflict.
  • Reviewers should not use any information from the manuscript for personal advantage or disclose details before publication.
  • Reviews should be conducted promptly and in accordance with the journal’s deadlines.

Duties of Editors:

Editors of Galla Journal have a variety of obligations and responsibilities to guarantee that the publication process is ethical and open. They are dedicated to fostering positive relationships with readers, authors, editorial board members, journal owners, and publishers. The editing and peer review processes are carried out with integrity and impartiality, while individual data is kept confidential, and  their essential duties are;

  • Editors must make publication decisions based on the academic merit of the manuscript, ensuring that decisions are fair, unbiased, and based on evidence.
  • Editors should maintain confidentiality throughout the editorial process and avoid any conflicts of interest.
  • Editors are responsible for handling ethical complaints and ensuring that appropriate actions are taken when issues arise, including investigating cases of suspected misconduct.
  • Editors should work with authors and reviewers to ensure the integrity and quality of published content.

Duties of the Publisher:

The dissemination of research findings to the larger academic community is greatly aided by the Galla journal publisher. Among their primary duties are:

  • The publisher is responsible for maintaining the integrity and transparency of the editorial and publishing processes.
  • The publisher should ensure that ethical guidelines and standards are in place and are consistently followed.
  • The publisher should facilitate access to relevant tools and services to support ethical practices in publishing.

Handling of Ethical Violations:

  • The journal is committed to investigating allegations of research misconduct, including plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication of data. Allegations will be taken seriously, and authors may be asked to revise or retract their work if necessary.
  • If an ethical violation is discovered after publication, the journal will issue a correction or retraction as needed, in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics.